Thursday, May 7, 2009

Everything I thought it would be.

This is my second day in Spain in which I think I may have been asleep more time than I have been awake. Jet lag and me are not friends. But yesterday, I was able to see a couple of cute little towns outside of Madrid. Alcala is one of them (the other one, I can't pronounce yet.. but I'll get it!) Everything looks as I imagined it. Spain is a beautiful country where the buildings are very European and just have this look to them that continues to remind me I'm not in America. If that didn't remind me, the fact that I pretty much have no idea what people around me are saying serves as a constant reminder (my Spanish is very poor!) I am learning from the missionaries of the likes and dislikes of Spainards, what they hold important and how some of them see the world. Tonight I may be going downtown Madrid which is where their ministry is. I have heard alot about it and am excited to actually see it first hand.
Jesus, just break me of my current ideas and opinions. I want to see people the way you see them. As I take captive my thoughts, I pray you will captivate my heart and mind as well so that I may grow closer to you and be so filled with love that I have no choice but to let that love overflow!

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