Friday, February 6, 2009

I think, therfore I am.

I will probably end up deleting this post later.
But I feel like writing down a few things that I think..
So.. here goes...
I think that birds of a feather definitely flock together!
I think that guys who are in their 30's and up and still work out are pretty cool.
I think that some people are really made to be together. No names.. but there is this professor.. and him and his wife had to be a match made in heaven.
I think it is kinda funny when you find out that quite a few people thought you were a couple with someone cuz you hung out in the lobby with them.
I think that it is really cool when I see people that I know in the Evangel adds in the TPE.
I think that Jenna.. the OA on duty with me has really cute shoes.
I think I need to fast facebook.. I get on it way too much.. or maybe I just need self-control.
I think it is sad that we have RA interviews during Mr. EU.
I think my current obsession with working out is quite fun.
I think I need to stop having senioritis.. at least for 3 more months.
If I think of anything else I will put it here.

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