Saturday, September 6, 2008

Here's My Life

I'm pretty sure I have the most amazing life ever. This semester is so easy. I'm only taking 13 credits and as of now have no job by choice. I get to hang out with the most incredible people ever every single day. I have been completely blessed with great friends whom I love so much. This year is already reaping some great opportunities in ministry and on campus. I love being an RA and having the opportunity to learn and glean off of the wisdom of my RD. I also love that I get paid to be friends with the most amazing people I have ever met. My little sister is here and I love her so very much and getting to hang out with her is just grand.
I'm in my second to last semester of my undergrad degree and I have decided to soak in every last second of it here at Evangel. I will never again get the opportunity to live in a community focused on building my faith while learning. The encouragement of everyone around me on a constant basis and the opportunity to share deep heartfelt conversations about my faith, dreams, and searching the purpose God has for me and my friends at 3 in the morning.. in a hallway painted of planets and stars.. yah.. after this year.. things are going to be different.
Thats exactly what I am doing right now. I am seeking after the purpose that God has designed for my life. I except the fact that God's ways are higher than mine. His thoughts are deeper than mine. His love is so much stronger than mine. I embrace this and trust that as I seek after His very heart and pursue opportunities He gives me that I will live in His purpose.
I also acknowledge that this life is not really about me. I don't want it to be about me. My ultimate desire in life is to serve Jesus and to serve others like He did. So as I place my dreams in His precious hands I know that He will guide me and lead me and ultimately give me that heart to help others whenever I can.

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